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Friday, June 15, 2018

To qualify as participant MEBO/uBiome Study

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The Principal Investigator of the uBiome grant-funded MEBO research study, "Dynamics of the Gut Microbiota in Idiopathic Malodor Production", Irene Gabashvili, PhD., MEBO Scientific Director, has written a post about the study in her company's blog, AURAMETRIX. This post includes MEBO/PATM Life Quality Test, "MEBO means metabolic body odor and it includes systemic body odor, bad breath and episodes of malodor NOT related to hygiene or flatulence. PATM denotes "People Allergic To Me" condition. The survey asks about symptoms In the past 24 hours or past few days, up to a week before taking this test."

We are starting pre-screening our candidates to find qualified participants, based on prior test results and ability to accurately report information.

Participants will be asked to submit their samples to uBiome on as different days in terms of their well-being/mood/symptoms as possible. MEBO is a condition of ups and downs. One day you may be completely odor-free, the next day you may have severe odor episodes - called flares. Our participants will be asked to submit their first sample if they felt they experienced symptoms, or had a day or two different from average. Study participants will be asked to submit responses to our questionnaire about those days.
We will privately follow up with suggestions to improve their wellbeing.

Our new Life-quality Test questionnaire will provide a measure for severity of Metabolic Breath and Body Odor and PATM symptoms.

Anyone who may possibly be interested in participating in this study can get a better idea of what it entails and is welcome to take the first version of this Life Quality Test.


María de la Torre
Founder and Executive Director

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