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Friday, August 5, 2011

Meeting with the United States House of Representatives

When Glenna Gonzalez, Public Relations Director of MEBO Research, met with Congressmen of the U.S. House of Representatives, she followed the guidelines set by the Genetic Alliance for making an impact on policy issues. Within the House of Representatives, she made sure that MEBO’s voice was heard regarding the issues concerning the sufferers it advocates for. With each Congressman, she shared collective stories concerning the plight of those suffering from metabolic body odor. She emphasized the need for testing and the need for research and funds. The visit was an attempt to build a relationship with the Congressmen and their congressional staff. The visits were very successful. Thus, the groundwork has been laid so that MEBO now has the opportunity to have meaningful interactions with these offices in its efforts to advocate for body odor disorders.

While each U.S. Representative took a particular stance on Health Care issues, MEBO addressed the issues of those affected and conveyed its reasons for wanting to make an impact on policy-making, as it relates to Health Care issues.

As discussed in our previous post, On Capitol Hill for MEBO Research, Glenna represented MEBO when she met with Congressional Staffers, including two U.S. Senators from Virginia, Jim Webb - (D) and Mark R. Warner - (D). She also met with following Congressional Staffers,
  1. U.S. Representative Gerald E. Connolly of VA - (D) is a strong supporter of Health Care and supported The Affordable Care Act that extends access to affordable health insurance to 30 million Americans.
  2. Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor of VA supports a bill that bars discrimination due to pre-existing conditions and offers affordable healthcare options to young people.
  3. Representative James Moran - (D) is co-chair of the Congressional Prevention Caucus.
This group educates the public and Congress on disease prevention and health promotion.

Meeting with the U.S. Representatives on Genetics Day On The Hill gave MEBO the chance to get involved and make its voice as an international organization who propels the research of body odor disorders heard. MEBO stated what issues were important to it and what it hopes to accomplish via its advocacy efforts.

Thank you Glenna and all the signatories for your participation in finding a solution,


María de la Torre
Founder and Executive Director

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