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Friday, August 19, 2011

Cheryl Fields, MEBO's Community Outreach Director

Cheryl Fields, known on the forums as "Dr. StillStanding" is a long-time friend to all in the body odor and halitosis community. Cheryl developed an odor problem in the 1990's, but has not let it change her positive attitude towards life. As well as following a successful career in business, she has taken it upon herself to help everyone with a body odor or halitosis disorder as much as she can and is always involved in campaigning on behalf of the community. For years she has given the community her home phone number and email address so that sufferers can contact her at any time to talk to someone who knows what they are going through.

We are proud that Cheryl has accepted the MEBO Research offer to be our unpaid volunteer Community Outreach Director
Cheryl was diagnosed with trimethylaminuria in the early 1990's and has been an ardent supporter of any endeavor that helps the community. She is particularly interested in being a 'listening ear' to anyone in the community and in employment rights issues. We are proud that Cheryl has accepted the MEBO Research offer to be our unpaid volunteer Community Outreach Director, so that she can use the MEBO Research platform to reach as many people to help as possible, and to be part of MEBO's other intentions of finding a cure, our campaigns, and helping in any way possible. Cheryl has a Bachelor Degree in General Business, a Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA), and is a Doctoral Candidate (Ph.D./ABD), in Human Resources Management, from the School of Business. Cheryl had one daughter, Brittany Michelle, that passed away in 1996 from heart complications.

Home/Voicemail (785)-286-7005

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